Help us pay it forward.

Making Headway is a project run by Eryn & Mariah in our free time, with our spare change. If you would like to help us keep the podcast alive, we welcome your donation. 10% of all donations will be contributed to a brain-injury-related nonprofit of our choice. A few of our favorites are listed below.


Support Brain Injury Survivors


Brain Injury Association of America (BIA)

BIA’s mission is to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury. They are a primary authority on medical diagnosis and treatment, disease management, research and life challenges associated with brain injury.

Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire

As Granite Staters, we can’t help but promote our local Brain Injury Association, BIANH, the only state-wide organization in New Hampshire dedicated to brain injury and stroke support, prevention, education, and advocacy for survivors and caregivers.

Krempels Center

Near and dear to our hears is Krempels Center, located near us in Portsmouth, NH. They are a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of people living with brain injury by offering programs that engage members in meaningful and productive experiences as well as providing ongoing support and resources to survivors and their families.


Listen To The Podcast.

Our goal is to provide brain injury survivors with resources for their recovery, a place to share their story, and an opportunity to find hope in the stories of others.